Fairhaven Update – May 30, 2012

Posted by on Jun 15, 2012 in Featured, News, Updates

Fairhaven Update – May 30, 2012

Dear Friends,

Just a note to update you on what is going on here at Fairhaven, and also to send a reminder about the Christmas Boxes and Christmas Joy Bags for Romania. I know–it is only the first of June. However, September will be here before we know it and then some will be rushing to get their boxes done. I am just sending these letters/lists in case any of you are interested. It is an opportunity to minister to children and elderly people that, very often, no one else ministers to.

Christmas Joy Boxes

Christmas Joy Bags

Also, as you can see from the pictures, the kids and I worked the cows yesterday, putting fly tags in their ears and worming them. For the past few months, East Jena Baptist Church, in Jena, La., has had a group of men and women coming to help with the new working pen. I assure you that it is much nicer than anything that I could have ever imagined and it sure made working the cattle much easier. We are so thankful for it, and for all of you from different places who come to help us. The work is never ending and you have no idea what a blessing all of you are to us.

Please pray for Sissie. She is now down with either a very bad cold, or the flu and has been having fever.

The container arrived in Romania today and was unloaded without any problems. Attached are pictures of the unloading and storage in Arad. I am so thankful to see that they had a Bobcat to help with the unloading. It has always been done mostly box by box from the container to the storage area. Please join us in thanking and praising the Lord for His faithfulness in making it all possible. I want to remind you all that this is the culmination of the work and sacrificial giving of many people. However, the work is just beginning for our coworker, Roni, in Arad, as he and others start to make sure the supplies go where they are needed. We are blessed to have people who take care of this for us, and who have a heart for others.  Please continue to pray that the love of Jesus will be demonstrated as the goods are distributed.

As always, we thank you for your prayers and your support. May the Lord continue to bless you all as you serve Him and serve others.

In His Service,