Fairhaven Update – September-29-2024

Posted by on Sep 30, 2024 in Featured, Updates

Fairhaven Update – September-29-2024

Matthew 5:16—Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see yougood works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.

Philippians 1:6For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

Philippians 2:13—…for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.

Dear Friends,

I just noticed that the last update I sent out was in June. I really do not know where the time goes! We do stay very busy around here, but that is certainly not a good excuse.

The Lord continues to send in and we continue to send out food, medical supplies, clothing, toys, and anything else that we may have that may be a blessing to someone in need. I was in Hammond this morning picking up a pallet of milk, a pallet of grapes and 2 pallets of potatoes, all of which is being delivered today to those in need.

Sometimes, as I work, I think of how ministries go through “seasons”, and of how the Lord has directed Fairhaven for almost 59 years now.

This ministry, founded by Bro. Harold and Jackie Brown, started as a Children’s Home, which they had prayed to have for 15 years. Although the ministry has always been open to helping those in need, the Lord really started directing the ministry more in that direction in 1995 when He allowed us the privilege to also start working internationally—first in Romania and then in many other countries throughout the world. Although we do still help in that respect from time to time, He has us working mostly right here in our community and also helping ministries in Tulsa, Ok. as they minister to the poor and those living on the streets there.

Most of you reading this are really not aware of the situations going on in our country right now, and/or the families being forced to live in their automobiles because they can no longer afford homes. We would not be aware either except that we work with those who are on the front lines of ministering to these and we hear many stories. Also, we are told that this problem is growing exponentially and they are seeing more families living in automobiles, etc.  

I recently delivered another large load to Living Hope Baptist Church in Tulsa. The Ladies sort these supplies and distribute them to 5 other ministries there. What a blessing these ladies are!!! I often say that “this is the part of mission work that most people never see”, and it is WORK! The Lord willing, I will take another load up there in November.

Through the years, many have told me “Johnny, you can’t help everyone”. My answer is usually that it is not our responsibility to help everyone, but we do have the responsibility to help those who God enables us and leads us to help. And, by the Grace of God, that is what we will do as long as He makes it possible. I can assure you that the needs here in our community, and throughout our country, are only going to become more desperate in the near future.

And, each of you who pray for us, or support us in other ways, are also a part of helping those in need.

Attached, should you care to read them, are a couple of letters re the blessing of the supplies so many of you contribute. Also attached is a list of needs, although there is also a list in a couple of the letters. Our Lord willing,  we will to take another large load to them about the middle of November.

On a recent trip to Tulsa I was able to meet with some of the leaders of the ministries these supplies go to. These folks take their responsibilities very seriously.  They each expressed a desire to minister in such a way as to help each of those they serve to maintain their dignity as they serve them and present the love of Jesus to them.

We thank you again for all of your prayers and support. We continue to praise the Lord for His faithfulness and pray that this ministry will always be a conduit of His love and compassion.

In His Service,

Johnny and Sissie

Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, and Love

21066 Fairhaven Road

Covington, La. 70435

Office: 985-892-1134

Mobil: 985-264-5052

Fax     : 985-892-1385

Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com

Web: hopeforothers.org

Philippians 2:4–Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Love is God’s will in action.

Living Hope Baptist Church

Hello. Sorry for the delay of sending you this letter.

First, I just want to thank you and everyone involved in your ministry for all the hard work you all do for the Lord and all the clothes bags you all send. Its a blessing to thousands of people here in Tulsa Oklahoma.

In the beginning when this ministry started at Living Hope Baptist Church 7 yrs ago with Randy and Savannah Carruth, and others bringing the loads it was hundreds of people. Now that it has grown I can easily say thousands.

When we distribute the clothes bags to other ministries and people throughout the neighborhood they are overjoyed in receiving these clothes. It’s an answered prayer for many cause its been hard for alot of families trying to make ends meet. Also, our unsheltered friends know they can come to Living Hope for a change of clothes, some socks, and whatever they may need. God has used this ministry to spread his word proclaim his word over the people through you all and Living Hope Baptist.

I will try to make a video of our outreach we’ve been having for 3 yrs now where we take most of the clothes bags out of the container sort them out for other ministries, and also put some of them on tables. Also, the local people will donate other stuff too they don’t need or use anymore and we’ll feed the people Indian Tacos. On this day we get a lot of people asking with surprise if all of this stuff is free and of course we say yes.

This day is opportunity for us to show Jesus love and to pray with them. That day is all about our Lord and not about us. We are all kingdom family and advancing the Lord’s kingdom.

Blessings and love to you all.

Ella Harjo , Living Hope Baptist Church, Tulsa, Ok


The clothing received helps many friends living outside. We see 200-300 every day and let them visit the clothing room once a week. If the weather is bad we do allow them to get dry cloths because we aren’t as strict as some of the other shelters are. I want folks to have dignity with clean clothes.


Mens jeans 29-40 l through xxl mens t shirts

Mens and womens underwear



hygiene items

As the weather gets cooler


sweat pants and sweat shirts


Always Bibles, our outreach folks take them into camps, we have several Bible studies going now, as well as requests every day at the Merchant.

Thank You for all You do for us in Tulsa, You are a blessing to many. 

Paul Schmidt

Executive Director

The Merchant Tulsa Inc.

605 S Peoria

Tulsa Ok. 74120

List of needs for Homeless:


All Hygiene products

Pants and Shirts for Men and Ladies (at this me, for winter, if possible)

NEW Underwear

Thermal Underwear



Hoodies & Sweatshirts