FairHaven Update – June-18-2024

Posted by on Jun 18, 2024 in Featured, Updates

FairHaven  Update – June-18-2024

Ephesians 2:10–  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Dear Friends,

I guess I have started this letter at least 4 or 5 times and I am always interrupted before I can really get started. Well, I had it mostly written a couple of days ago, saved it to file, and it disappeared! So, here I am, trying again. Until I checked, I had no idea the last letter I wrote was in early April. Time does fly when you are busy!

Since the last letter, Lily has graduated and we are so proud of her. If the Lord provides, she wants to attend the Baptist University in Pineville, La. Please keep her in your prayers. In case you do not remember, 2 years ago her sister, Allie, graduated from college at Mississippi College and her brother, Chaz,  graduated from High School.

As some of you know, a few of us had really been praying for a truck for a few months. The Lord gave us the funds to purchase a 2017 F350, and it has been getting a workout.

Sissie and I recently made a trip to Morristown, Tn. to deliver a load for Israel and/or Ukraine—wherever the Lord wants it, and the people at God’s Warehouse loaded us with an even heavier load to bring back—some of which has gone to local ministries and some of it was included with the load going to Tulsa, which was delivered t this past Saturday. I was told that, like everywhere, the needs are growing faster than people can imagine, with the homeless population constantly growing.

A couple of days ago, Don Owen, with God’s Warehouse in Morristown, called me and told me they have an 18 wheeler load of baby food being delivered, in case we can use some. I have contacted several local ministries from Baton Rouge to New Orleans and I will probably go pick up 8 pallets. Some, here, can use it now and know that with the hurricane season coming they will be needing it for that also—either here or in the S. La./Texas area.

Just a short story that I want to share, to give God the glory and perhaps encourage some of you.

I am always mentioning “God’s Warehouse” in Morristown, Tn. I will not give you all the history but just want you to know that they started out in a car garage 13 years ago. They did not go looking for a warehouse, or “for something to do”. God literally “put this on them” and then He started to providing volunteers, funding, and a network of people that contribute all over the US. They have shipped a total of 112 containers just to Israel (not counting many others to other parts of the world),  12 of which have been shipped since last Oct. 7th. Just wanted to share with you another story of God’s faithfulness. Like Fairhaven, ONLY GOD………!!! Our Lord simply is not limited when we make ourselves available, as all of those volunteers at God’s Warehouse do, or others do in ministries everywhere.

I want to remind you that you are a very special instrument, designed by a loving God, to serve Him and others in a way that will glorify Him. Please always remember that.

Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support and I do pray He will meet your every need as only He can.

In His Service,

Johnny & Sissie