Fairhaven Update April-12-2024

Posted by on Apr 13, 2024 in Featured, Updates

Fairhaven Update  April-12-2024

Romans 8:28–  And we know that [a]God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.

1 Peter 2:9–  But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light;

Dear Friends,

I watch as our nation/world seem to be coming apart around us and values and morals decreasing at a rate we would have thought impossible. I listen to some who are constantly dwelling on the problems/issues people are facing today with, seemingly, no hope. However, if you are a Christian, you should be aware that God has placed you here, for this time, and for His purpose. Our responsibility to be sensitive and open to God’s will for our lives. You are placed here, at this time in history, for HIS purposes!

Now, I know that I have said all of that many times before. However, I can’t stress enough the importance of depending on the Lord, more than ever, for His direction, knowledge (wisdom to use that knowledge), courage, and spiritual, mental, and physical strength in order to stand for Him and accomplish His purposes.

Often, as the Lord continues to use this ministry, I think/pray, “Lord, what do we do now?” Then, I think of a devotion I read about “doing what is in front of you”. I think that may mean that often we wait for the Lord to open up opportunities to do extraordinary things through us instead of simply doing the simple, everyday things that He puts in front of us. That may be mopping the floors, feeding cows, mowing the yard, or being a conduit of His love and compassion at the job where you work.

I am attaching a story (written by Anton Osoinach who, with this family, worked in Romania for several years) that demonstrates the effect that simply showing love to someone can have. I think it will be a blessing to you. It is reminder of the effect our lives can have on others as we live each day.

As I was being raised as a young man, people would tell my daddy that he was going to stunt my growth by working me so hard. (needless to say, he did not pay attention to them!) And, it sure never hurt me. As a matter of fact, I am thankful that I was able to thank daddy several times, before he passed, for raising me as he did. I know that God was using him to prepare me for what He would have me do with my life. As some of you will know, life on a farm can sometimes be 24/7, PLUS…! And so can ministries. As I have often said, God is preparing you and I, today, for what He has for us to accomplish tomorrow. I thank Him that He always has been, and always will be, faithful to meet every need in every situation He allows in our lives.

In the past few days, I have been wondering what to write in this letter, and those things are what the Lord has put on my heart. I just hope it will somehow be a blessing and encouragement to you.

As for things that are happening here—well, it is truly amazing how, as expensive as food is, how the Lord constantly supplies quality foods for us to give to help those locally who are in desperate needs. And, also gives us quality medical supplies to be given away almost every day—usually to home health personnel who have patients with needs. And we would ask that you continue to be praying for us that we can have the means to get a load of good supplies to Morristown, Tn. to be shipped to Israel, or Ukraine, or Poland. We also have a huge load ready to go to the ministry in Tulsa, Ok., where they are much needed.

Again, thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. Only God knows how much we appreciate them.

And, again, we ask you please to continue to pray that Fairhaven, and our lives, will daily be a conduit of His unconditional love and His compassion in order that others will be encouraged and drawn to Him.

In His Service,

Johnny & Sissie


Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, and Love

21066 Fairhaven Road

Covington, La. 70435

Office: 985-892-1134

Mobil: 985-264-5052

Fax     : 985-892-1385

Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com

Web: hopeforothers.org

Philippians 2:4–Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.

Love is God’s will in action.


Bondservant News October 2005       Hopes for Others        Arad, România

“And the King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, {even} the least {of them,} you did it to Me.’”         Matthew 25:40

Every once in a while I get a free day when I don’t have a nursing home to visit. On those days I often have home visits or hospital visits to make. I mainly mix the hospital visits in with the nursing homes, just later in the day. But since coming back from our visit to the U.S., I have also gone with Heidi, Benjamin, or Anne to the state hospital to visit some of the abandoned* babies.

Heidi and Benjamin began visiting the abandoned babies in July of 2004 and have continued ever since. But a change in the law has changed the location they visit. Last year many of the babies were kept in The Center for Placement #2. As of January 1, 2005, the government of Romania no longer allows children below the age of two in the care of the state. For the most part this is doublespeak to help Romania meet European Union standards. The fact is that babies continue to be left in hospitals when their mothers are released. The Romanian solution to this problem is to leave the babies in the hospitals–in either the maternity hospital or in the state hospital. Generally, the breakdown is that well babies stay at the maternity hospital, while sick babies go to the state hospital. We are allowed into the state hospital where at this time there are twenty-three abandoned babies.

Heidi and Benjamin have been going there almost every day and they do various things. They pick up the babies and hold them; they work with developmentally slow children encouraging them in their developmental skills; they feed the babies or hold them while they have bandages changed. Sometimes they are allowed to take some of the toddlers to play in the park.

Parents who bring their children to the hospital are expected to bring their own diapers. The hospital does three changes a day. If someone has not brought disposable diapers, the baby is wrapped in a cloth diaper and then a plastic bag to keep it from leaking, and then a blanket is wrapped to keep the bag from being pulled off. The children lay in bed with their legs at 60’ angles from all of the bundling. Heidi said that when she started visiting, she thought all of the children were bowlegged and would try to push their legs together until she understood that it was not their legs, but the diaper wrappings that prevented the legs from coming together. [It would be so nice to have a truckload of disposable diapers for the hospital.]

Often Benjamin and Heidi come home talking about this one or that one of the babies. Some they give pet names to like Snorter or Frank. Most of the babies are known only by a family name. Before long they seem to develop a favorite. Benjamin’s favorite is Florin–the name that Benjamin gave. His real name is Stoica, but Florin seems to fit him well. Benjamin was drawn to him because no one else wanted to touch him or even to look at him. Florin came in the spring. We were told he had been born with cancer in his skull and, as it grew, it was pushing one of his eyes out of its socket. Now, five months later, Florin is one of the most popular babies in the hospital among the volunteers. They all want to hold him. As people saw Benjamin’s love for Florin, it became contagious. The nurses now talk to him. All the volunteers look forward to turns with him. Everyone wants a chance to try to make that crooked smile appear even just for a minute. Florin’s smile is ever more crooked as his tumor distorts his face more and more.

Before Florin, Narcissia was maybe the least cared for. She has a strong resemblance to a monkey, being very hairy and very small. Two years old and still no teeth, they say she has a heart problem. When you pick up her small body in your arms and touch her face or neck, an immediate smile bursts forth. But someone had to be the first to pick up this homely child and love her, then the love became contagious and the next person also wanted to make her smile.

It is a very different time with the children than with my older folks, but in many ways it’s the same. In many cases my old folks are also abandoned by friends and family and will just sit in their beds looking at the ceiling or the TV. But when I am able to come into a room with the love God has given me for them, the love becomes contagious to others even within the nursing home.

Sadly, baby Florin only lived 9 months. However, because of wonderful people such as Heidi and Benjamin, he was the recipient of much love in those 9 months.

Please click here to view video of Benjamin’s song for baby Florin…
