News letter 10-29
Ephesian 2:10–10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ecclesiastes 9:10–10 Whatsoever rthy hand findeth to do, sdo it with thy might; for there is no work, nor tdevice, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest.
Galatians 6:9–9 And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.
Dear Friends,
As I was out in the pasture, earlier this morning, I was thinking of so many of the things going on the world today—of so much suffering, depression, discouragement, and, often, hopelessness. You and I are surrounded by this daily. We walk by people, converse with people, work with people, and more often than not have no idea what they may be dealing with. I am not a pessimist, but I am thinking, considering where we are now, things are going to get much worse.
Now, we can sit around and talk about everyone and their needs and/or problems, or we can pray that the Lord will direct each of us in trying to be a blessing to others. The choice is ours as individuals. It doesn’t matter what others may or may not do, you and I are responsible for our actions.
As I thought of this, I was sitting on the tractor and looking out over the pasture at the buildings here, thinking of how the Lord has blessed this ministry for almost 56 years. And, I thought “WHAT IF” Pop (Brother Brown) and Sweetie (Mrs. Brown) had not stepped out in faith and trusted God to meet their needs? They had no idea on that Sunday that the Lord was going to use them to minister all over the world. They were simply faithful in what they were called to do.
As I worked, I was thinking of the “WHAT IF’S” in our lives.
I believe that in the coming days we are going to have many opportunities to share the love of God both in word and deed as things continue to deteriorate in our country. The Lord is constantly opening doors for you and I to serve. “What if” we get out of our comfort zone and walk through those doors? Who will be blessed? How will it glorify our Lord? “What if” we do not? Yes, the Lord may use someone else to meet that need, but then you and I would have missed the blessing of being used to glorify Him.
As you read the attached “Christmas Bag Story”, I want you to consider a few things.
First, the Lord had to provide the contents of the bag (and many others through the years)
Second, ladies had to volunteer hundreds of hours to purchase the contents of the bags, then sort and pack the bags.
Third, the Lord touched hearts and people responded in paying for the shipping of the container. (Approx. $10,000)
Fourth, He touched hearts and people responded in helping to load this container.
Fifth, He provided the people to unload the container in Romania.
Sixth, He provided the Osoinach family, from Baton Rouge, La., to be there to distribute those bags and share the love of Christ.
So that Lily could have her Prayer answered!!!
I realize that this is a different letter than I normally write. However, I hope that you realize that the same God who worked all of that out for Lily is the same God that we can completely depend on today and in the coming days. We just have to be open to His leading as He directs us.
As always, thanks to each of you for your continued prayers and support. We thank God for you and pray His richest blessings on you.
In His Service,
Johnny Huffman
Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, & Love
21066 Fairhaven Road
Covington, La. 70435
Ph: 985-892-1134
Fax: 985-892-1385
Cell: 985-264-5052
Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com
Web: hopeforothers.org
Love is God’s will in action.
Phillipians 2:4,5—Look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
Christmas Bag Story
A few weeks before Christmas, I was at the nursing home translating for someone, when one of the younger residents stopped me to talk.
Lili is 30-something and is heavily medicated for emotional problems. She also has problems with her weight. She is the largest person in the nursing home. She started telling me how God takes care of her, how she doesn’t need to worry about food or clothing because there’s Someone watching over her. I affirmed what she said, then went on my way. When the holiday season rolled around, we were back at the nursing home handing out Christmas packages with some of our Romanian friends. Lili couldn’t stand still in her anticipation of receiving a gift bag. She followed us around as we went from person to person. She continued to get in the way and interrupted, so I finally turned to her and asked her to go sit on her bed, wait her turn, and we would come to her. On her way out, she told me to be sure to bring her a packet with a sweat suit in it. (I did not know she had been asking Dad for a sweat suit the last few weeks and he had been saying, “Lili, if you want one you are going to have to pray for it.”) I told her none of the packages had clothes in them, but I didn’t really expect her to hear me. I just didn’t want her to be disappointed.
One of the Romanian helpers said, “I’ll give her the gift package now, be it her turn, be it not.” Our friend went and found the biggest packet she could find and took it to Lili. At that point Lili began bouncing up and down on the bed. I was sitting with another woman in the same room watching her.
Lili’s first question was, ”Does it have a sweat suit in it?” The lady who brought her the packet told her, “I don’t know. I didn’t look. Let’s see what’s in it now.”
The first thing pulled out was a sweatshirt—the XXL size. The Romanian and I just stared at one another and Lili took off dancing around the room. The next thing to come out was a pair of matching sweat pants, XXL size. That was more than Lili could take. She came right over and began telling me all over again how Someone was watching over her.
I think I was more amazed than she was. I had to back up and tell the helper the conversation of a few weeks before and when she had heard it, she took the opportunity to drive the point home telling Lili that God does care and He listens when we pray.
During the holiday season, we gave out over 500 packages, but that was the only one with clothing in it. For Lili it was the fulfillment of her desire. For us, it went to prove how much He does care about these forgotten people. Our God still does miracles.