Philippians 4:6-7–6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
Dear Friends,
I pray that this finds all of you well. Besides Sissie still often not feeling well, we are all fine and certainly do appreciate your prayers and support in these times.
We are thankful to the Lord for providing again in order that Lily and Mimi can go to North Lake Christian School, here in Covington. The picture is of them on their first day of school.
The Lord continues to supply us with food to distribute, almost daily. I am always amazed though at the stories of those in need in our community. One person that delivers the food was telling of an incident a few days ago. They had delivered a box of food that included frozen dinners. The elderly person immediately heated one of the dinners in the microwave and started to eating while visiting with the person who delivered it.
I was watching a news article a few days ago and the commentator stated that 51% of Americans are storing up supplies, in one way or another. Now, I do not know if this is true or not, but if it is, what about the other 49%?
I think about this often and have been praying for a long time that, should difficult times come, the Lord will allow us to be a channel of His love and blessings to others. However, I also constantly pray for wisdom and discernment in whom to help and how to help. I believe this is going to be a challenge in the coming days. I was watching a well known pastor recently and he was encouraging his congregation to be thinking of others as they try to stock up on supplies. Many are having a difficult time as it is, but we should all be praying and seeking the Lord’s direction in these areas. Sometimes all we can do is to offer encouragement or to let people know that we care and that God cares about their situation.
We have recently been given the opportunity to help in a ministry to our Native Americans. Randy Carruth, of Forest Hill, La., has been working with the ministry for several years. The following is just one small incident of which Randy and his coworkers have seen while distributing coats, blankets, and winter clothing. This ministry works with different tribes on different reservations all over the U.S. This is another ministry in which people work to meet the physical needs in such a way as to demonstrate the love of Christ and then are able to meet spiritual needs also.
“The winters can get very harsh on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico, Arizona and Utah. Coats and blankets are a big need. For example, one year we took coats to the Cuba, New Mexico area. It was around 32 to 40 degrees. The Navajo’s were lined up for 300 yards to receive whatever the Lord had for them. One elderly lady told us that she heard about coats and blankets being given out. She was in her 70’s and walked 7 miles to receive a blanket and coat. Amazing how God used these to share the love of Jesus with so many on Navajo Nation in New Mexico. Again, we have received the call for the need of the above again.”
Should you have any winter clothes, coats, blankets, hats, gloves to donate, and you live locally, you can either bring them to Fairhaven or drop them off at Noel Maestri’s Flooring in Covington. If you are farther away, you can ship them to us at the address listed below. Should you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Again, thank you all for your prayers and support.
In His Service,
Johnny Huffman
Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, & Love
21066 Fairhaven Road
Covington, La. 70435
Ph: 985-892-1134
Fax: 985-892-1385
Cell: 985-264-5052
Love is God’s will in action.
Phillipians 2:4,5—Look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.