Fairhaven Update June-6-2020

Posted by on Jun 16, 2020 in Featured, Updates

Fairhaven Update June-6-2020

John 14:27–Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

Ephesians 2:10— For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Dear Friends,

First of all, thank you all for your continued prayers and support. We are always thankful to the Lord for touching hearts and for you for responding to His prompting.

Second, I apologize for not writing for such a long time. Until I just checked, I could not believe it has been 2 months since my last update! Guess that happens when you’re so busy all the time. We are all well, and very thankful for that. The virus has not affected our families, at this time.

As I mentioned before, the Lord continues to direct us to those in need (often with desperate needs) in this area. We are thankful to be able to help as the Lord provides. The Lord willing, we will be loading a container for a ministry in Transnistria within the next 2 months. I will let you know as we will be needing volunteers to help with the loading.

Also, recently, the Lord allowed us to help a little with the needs in the famine area of Africa, specifically in Kenya. We did this by working with Samaritan’s Purse. Attached, you will find a list of what Samaritan’s purse can do for a specific amount of money. Should you care to help them in that area, just put “Famine in Kenya” on the memo line when you mail the donation. If you want to know more about the facts of the famine, you can easily find info online. They are calling this a “famine of Biblical proportions”. I assure you that you and I can’t even start to comprehend the needs.

Another ministry we help as the Lord allows is with Kallie Vallecillo, in Honduras. Attached, you will find information on her ministry as well. Kallie will use whatever she has to minister to the needs there and I assure you that she will appreciate any help you may feel led to give her. The items she needs are not easily available, there, to her, at all. We are privileged to help her as the Lord provides us with the supplies for her.

I know that we have a lot going on around us, but I have no doubt that we are supposed to continue to be ministering to the needs of others as the Lord opens the doors and makes it possible.

Perhaps I have told you this before, but I have recently shared with our children, in devotions, that we are living in time that this country has never faced before. I share things with them because, if Jesus tarries, they will have to face some difficult times ahead. However, I explain to them that these things are only the plans of God being fulfilled. And that is the truth we must all remember. Our responsibility as His children is to know His will for us each day and for our lives to lift Him up in our words and our actions. Today we live in a world that is seized by hatred, greed, jealousy, fear, and many other things. What we have to be aware of is that we are dealing in major spiritual warfare. One of the first rules of combat is “know your enemy”. As Christians, we need to live with an awareness of this fact and pray for wisdom and courage to act accordingly in whatever circumstance we find ourselves.

Again, thank you all. We pray the Lord’s protection, provision, and peace on all of you. Remember, He is our Great Provider.

In His Service,


Johnny Huffman

Fairhaven Ministry of Faith, Hope, & Love

21066 Fairhaven Road

Covington, La. 70435

Ph: 985-892-1134

Fax: 985-892-1385

Cell: 985-264-5052

Email: johnny@fairhavenministry.com

Web: hopeforothers.org

Love is God’s will in action.

Phillipians 2:4,5—Look not every man on his own things, but every man on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.


Samaritan’s Purse Info: (Should you need contact info, please let me know)

A gift of $7,000 would provide two-months of emergency food for 2,678 people.

Each family will receive:

  • 13 kgs of Maize
  • 8 kgs of Beans
  • 1.5 liters of cooking oil

Families served will include:

  • Single, female-headed households
  • Households caring for children
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding moms
  • Orphans and child-headed households
  • People with special needs
  • Elderly
  • Displaced families


Honduras Needs

When starting a ministry on the Bay Islands of Honduras in Central America, we thought we would be best suited to collect and disperse medical supplies among community clinics. Though successful with that plan, over the past 11 months God has shown me exactly why he brought our family here. With a diabetes rate well over fifty percent on the island of Roatan, diabetic wounds claim the quality of life of many people. I have had the privilege to work with patients in their homes to provide wound care. God not only uses caring for people’s wounds for physical healing but to deliver their hearts from despair.

Unfortunately, wound care comes at a high price. We are doing dressing changes daily in some cases, plowing through limited resources. At this time, I have three patients in my care, one of them critical. To continue our fight against wound-related illnesses and see more patients, we need to continue collecting supplies and financial help.
Thank you and God Bless you
Kallie Vallecillo

Immediate Needs:
-Rolled gauze bandage
-4×4 gauze
-Ace bandage
-Coban wrap
-Silver dressings
-Medipore tape
-Alignate dressing
-Wound cleansers
-Silver sulfadiazine cream
-Scapel blades
-Any other wound care supplies

Should you be able to help with any of these, we can get them to Kallie, in Honduras.
Thank you.