Philippians 4:6-7–Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus
Dear Friends,
I sometimes think of the old song “I Stand Amazed in His Presence” for I see Him working His presence in so many ways each day. Attached you see a few of the pictures that I rceived from Romania of children receiving some of the Christmas boxes that many of you had a part in. As I was looking at the pictures, I was thinking “Only Jesus could have put together all the people it took to accomplish these children having these gifts”. It was His presence working in so many different ways—just as He does each day in our lives.
Another way that He has recently worked is to touch the heart of a gentleman in Nebraska to purchase another 40,000 lbs of beans and 40,000 lbs for rice to be divided up and shipped to Haiti and the Ukraine. The Lord willing, we will work it as we did last year and have it all shipped to Baton Rouge, La., then the containers come there for loading.
I would just ask that you be in prayer for the funding of these shipments. The cost of shipping to Haiti is $4,823.50. The cost for shipping to the Ukraine is $5,693.50. Since the Lord has provided the food product, and He knows the people’s desperate needs in both of these places, I am sure that He will provide for the shipping.
As always, thank you all for your prayers and support that make all of these things possible. I pray His richest blessings on each of you.
In His Service,
Johnny Huffman
21066 Fairhaven Rd.
Covington, La. 70435
Ph: 985-892-1134
Fax: 985-892-1385
Cell: 985-264-5052
Love is God’s will in action.
Phillipians 2:4,5–Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: